
Koonyum range retreat getaway

Saturday 19 September 2015

So I needed a getaway so bad, last time I travelled was in the beginning of August which to me is a really long time..

I surfed the web and found a couple of places and chose Koonyum Retreat just to relax and have a good time and that is exactly what I did. This place is absolutely magical, I choose the edge villa. Breathtaking views from the Edge villa and the hot tub sums it all for me. The villa itself is really clean and fully equipped. The view from the bedroom is stunning, I set an alarm to witness every sunset and sunrise while I'm there because you just can't miss the view its beautiful! 

I arrived at 3 pm and I already booked a facial and a massage the day before at 3:30 pm. I wish I had the facial outiside on the deck but the weather wasn't in my favor it was a little bit chilly so I had to do it in the villa itself. I loved how they use all natural stuff on my face (you know me I prefer natural and organic) and she had the best scalp massage ever I couldn't even stay awake after she left I had to take a nap. Such a relaxing experience!

If you're looking to order dinner or lunch from the retreat you have to let them know 24 hours before, I would've loved more dinner and lunch choices though. I had my dinner the first night on the deck and then wen't into the bath tub to relax; counted the stars till I felt sleepy and went to sleep (no I'm not kidding its such a beautiful experience to be able to relax in the hot tub and count the stars). I wish I had my DSLR camera with me to show you guys the beautiful sky full of stars. 

On my second day I had my breakfast on the deck and enjoyed the stunning views and the lovely weather. I booked the villa with the breakfast so I didn't pay for it. You'll get: Orange juice, milk, bread, croissants, butter, jam, muesli, delicious scones, cheese and best of all the yoghurt. Oh my god the yoghurt was super tasty I wanted more and more. 

The sun was very hot that day so I thought why not sunbathe? it turns out it wasn't a good Idea. The place was filled with insects, all kinds of insects. I'd say the only thing that bothered me during my stay were the insects I couldn't even set for 5 minutes without being bothered and annoyed by them. I got bit by one and I'm still in pain and it looks really bad and after all that I saw lizards everywhere I seriously was terrified. Jumping, running and screaming didn't know what to do! 

I finally gave up and went inside until its before sunset so I could have some peaceful time in the hot tub and thank god they were all gone. 

 Can we all just appreciate the view for a moment? isn't it breathtaking? I spent two days here and still need more.  The owners actually spent nine months piecing together this mosaic spa, how talented are they? 

Cleanliness - 10
Location - 10
Staff - 10
Comfort - 9 (just because of the insects)
Facilities - 10
Value for money - 9

If you'd like to book here is the website: 
Koonyum Retreat official website

Or you can also book through Booking.

In-flight essentials | الاشياء الضرورية للطيارة

Thursday 9 July 2015

Who doesn't like an organized carry-on for a pretty long flight? I'm one of those people who cannot travel without a fully packed bag with my in flight essentials all organized. Even though I like having all my necessities in-flight with me I sometimes envy people with pretty small carry on, like how do you do it people? 

Now lets get into it! 
 بما ان هل فترة اغلب الناس يسافرون حطيتلكم هل بوست
منو مايحب يأخذ جنطة مرتبة فيها كل شي يحتاجه بالطيارة؟ انا ماقدر اسافر من غير لا احط كل هل أشياء بجنطتي حتى لو ودي بجنطة اخف بس هل أشياء مهمة لازم اخذهم معاي...

  1. Neutrogena makeup remover cleansing towlettes, I rarely use cleansing or makeup remover wipes but they are convenient for flights so I grabbed those. I use them to cleanse my face on the flight.             صارلي مدة ما استعمل وايب الا نادر لان منعتني عنهم خبيرة البشرة الي اروحلها بس حق الطيارة احس هذيل انسب شي لان افضل اني اسوي كل روتيني وانا قاعده بمكاني ف اخذت هل وايبس معاي كغسول
  2. Rosewater Mist, I took this miniature size rosewater mist as a toner I spritz this on my face after cleansing and everytime I feel like my face is drying out. Loooovee the feeling!                                             اخذت معاي سبري ماي الورد استخدمه ك تونر بعد الغسول وهم متى ما حسيت ان ويهي قاعد ينشف ارش منه لان الطيارة وااايد تنشف الجسم والويه
  3. Kate somerville oil free moisturiser, I prefer taking mini products or testers in flight rather than taking my usual moisturiser so I found this moisturiser that I wanted to try for so long and I loved it! It left my skin moisturised and oil free through out this 16 hour flight. I can't wait to get  the full size.                                     دايم احب اخذ شي صغير معاي بالطيارة سواء مرطب ولا كريم للعين الخ ف دايم اشوف علبة التسترز الي عندي قبل لا اسافر واخذ منهم احسن من ما احط مرطب بعلبة السفر وممكن يدمر الدنيا وهم اجرب شي يديد ممكن اني احبه ف اخذت هل مرطب من كيت سمرفيل كنت بجربه صارلي مده وحدي حبيته وقررت بس يخلص مرطبي الي عندي اسال خبيرة البشرة الي اروحلها واشوف اذا ينفعني للمدى البعيد ولا لا بس حاليا اقدر اقول ان عجبني حيل مادهن ويهي طول الرحلة ورطب بشرتي بشكل حلو
  4. Lush I love you toothy tabs, They are more convenient and I prefer them on toothpaste whether it was one I took from home or the airplane one as they can leek or spill and make huge mess! So I take lush's toothy tabs with me and they work just as good.                                              احب اخذ معجون لش الي اهو ايي على شكل حبوب وايد احسن حق الطيارة لان مستحيل يدمر او يصب ويخرب لج اغراضج الثانية وهم مفعولة نفس مفعول اي معجون زين وينظف عدل
  5. Lanolips Lemonade LipAid, Ofcourse you need something to moisturise your lips with as flights can be very drying but when I read the description on the product I thought I took the wrong product to moisturise my lips with, as it says its a lip treatment with organic lemon oil to naturally exfoliate, leaving lips fresh, soft and moist. So I thought it wouldn't moisturise my lips as I would like it to but I was wrong, this felt amazing on my lips and moisturised my lips beautifully. I also loved the idea of this and as you all know I love everything natural and organic so I loved the concept of this as I think natural exfoliants are much better than scrubs for us whether it was on the lips or face or even body.                                      حرصي دايم انج تاخذين معاج مرطب للشفايف لان الطيارة وايد تنشف الجسم والويه ف اخذت هل مرطب قبل لا اخذه ماقريت عنه بس لقيته بين اغراضي وعجبتني ريحته وحبيت ان كل شي طبيعي فيه ف خذيته المهم بالطيارة قريت عنه ولقيت ان اهو علاج اكثر من ما اهو مرطب ماخذين زيت الليمون الاورقانك عساس يقشر او يصنفر الشفايف من غير لايكون وايد قوي او قاسي عليهم مثل السكربات الثانية ووايد عجبتني الفكرة مثل ما انتوا عارفين انا احب كل شي طبيعي واورقانك وافضلهم على غيرهم ف حبيت الفكرة بس توقعت ان ماراح يرطب شفايفي مثل ما انا ودي ان يرطبهم لان مثل ما قلت اهو علاج اكثر من ما اهو مرطب بس حبييت ترطيبه وايد وعجبني حيل
  6. Fresh Sugar Rose Tinted Treatment, I'm absolutely in love with this product I only took it with me just incase I didn't like the lanolips LipAid although I didn't use this one in flight but I use it religiously in my daily life. I like how moisturizing and nourishing it is and I love love love the rose tint on my lips it looks so natural as if my lips are this beautiful rosey colour.                                       بما اني كنت يايبة مرطب يديد وولا عمري جربته ف اخذت معاي مرطب اعرفه ومجربته من قبل عساس في حال ان هذاك ماعجبني استخدم الي اعرفه وضامنته صج اني ما احتجت اني استخدم هذا بالطيارة بس هل مرطب/علاج ما استغنى عنه ابدا ابدا احب ترطيبه حييل واكثر شي احبه فيه ان في تنت يعني يعطي لون احمر بالشفايف جدا جدا طبيعي جنه لون شفايفج الطبيعي
  7. Stila Aqua Glow Watercolor Blush, I don't normally wear makeup in flights or at airports but I usually take a blush with me just in case, I ended up not using it as my cheeks were naturally pink because of the microdermabrasion I did before this flight but I will be posting a review on this blush as it is not my HG blush!                                             انا نادر ما احط ميك اب بالطيارة او المطارات احب بشرتي تتنفس شوي بس اخذ معاي بلش احتياط بس ما استعملته لان كنت توني مسوية فيشال وخدودي كانوا ورديه من غير شي هههه بس راح اكتب ريفيو عن هل بلش لان جد روعة وقمت ما استعمل بلش غيره الا نادر.
  8. Benefit They're Real mascara, I took this mini mascara again just in case I needed some makeup. This is one of my favourite mascara and after using it in flight I remembered how gorgeous this mascara makes my lashes look so I started using it again!                                                اخذت هل ماسكرا الميني معاي عشان في حال احتجت ميك اب استخدمها من زمااان عن هل ماسكرا وعقب ما استخدمتها اتذكرت شكثر حلوة وكانت تعجبني ف بلشت استخدمها مرة ثانية! 
I also took Grey from 50 Shades of Grey series because I prefer reading a book rather than watching movies and stuff. 

واكيد اكيد باخذ كتاب معاي لان اعشق القراية واحب اقرا اكثر من ما اجابل التلفزيون او اسوي اي شي ثاني وخذيت هل كتاب الي صارلي سنة انطره!!

I also take my frends headphones with me incase I wanted to watch a movie or got tired of reading I switch to audiobooks. 

هم اخذت معاي هل سماعات من فرندز في حال كات ودي اشوف فيلم او تعبت من القراية ف احول على audiobooks

I know it seems like I pack a whole lot of stuff but believe it or not they all fit in one make up bag except the headphones and the book obviously haha. 

1. I packed this Philosophy cleanser just because I might not be that lazy and will actually go and cleanse my face instead of using wipes but no that didn't happen 

خذيت هل غسول من فيلوسفي قلت يمكن ما اتكيسل واقوم اغسل ويهي بحمام الطيارة وانتوا بكرامة بس طبعا ماحصل واستخدمت الوايبس بداله 

2. Toothbrush, I always pack my toothbrush in a toothbrush case protecting it from bacteria. I got mine from target for $2 so they're not that hard to find and not expensive either. 

طبعا معاي فرشة اسناني ودايم احطها بعلبة فرشة الاسنان عشان تحميها من البكتيريا والوصاخة الخ. انا اخذتها من تارقت وتلقونها بكل مكان. 

3. Angel contacts Cookie Lens Travel Kit, Very convenient for flights and made my life so much easier it has a contact lens case, lens solution bottle, rubber tipped tweezer, rubber tipped suction stick. If you are a contact lens wearer and travel a lot go get this. And look at the packaging isn't it the cutest packaging ever?! 

اخذت هل علبة (حطيت عنها بانستقرام وشرحت كل شي فيها وهم حطيت من وين تقدرون تطلبونها) فيها كل شي تحتاجينه حق العدسات وايد تنفع بالطيارة اذا تبلسين عدسات ووايد تسافرين انصحج بالعلبة 

4. Nail file and a mirror, incase my nail broke I hate it when it gets coat with everything. A mirror is always handy. 

وطبعا اخذ مبرد ومنظرة معاي ساعات ظفري ينكسر ولا شي ويتعلق بكل شي واكره هل حركة ف احتاج المبرد والمنظرة دايم نحتاجها.

Don't forget to take a hand moisturiser, hand sanitizer and panty liners! 

ولاتنسون تاخذون مرطب للايد ومعقم ضروري الترطيب والنظافة. 

Jergens BB Body perfecting skin cream review!

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Hii guys,

I'll be reviewing my absolute favourite product or you could say HG product! 

Its the Jergens BB Body perfecting skin cream. 

هاي بنات..
اليوم الريفيو بيكون عن منتج من افضل المنتجات للجسم عندي الي اهو جيرقنز بي بي كريم للجسم 

What they say:

5 visible benefits for more beautiful body skin. See visibly improved skin after just one day and experience five visible benefits after just 5 days.
  • Hydrates and smoothes
  • Brightens and illuminates
  • Evens skin tone
  • Visibly firms skin
  • Minimizes the appearance of imperfections

What I say: 

I've been using this bb cream for about 2 years now, I alternate between this and Jo Malone's body crème which means I don't use this everyday so I can't really tell you guys if after 5 days you can see a difference  with your skin.

صارلي تقريبا سنتين استعمله ومكتوب على العلبة ان بعد استخدامه لمدة ٥ ايام متواصله راح تشوفون فرق بجسمكم راح يشد ويوحد لون البشره ويخفف العلامات او العيوب الي بالجسم ف انا ماقدر اقولكم اذا هل حجي صح ولا لا لاني ما استعمله كل يوم دايما ابدل بينه وبين كريم الجسم من جو ملون عموما بعد قرائتي للمكونات ماشفت ان فيه مكونات ممكن تسوي كل هذا ف ما اتوقع هل كلام صحيح. 

It is available in two shades:
1. Light Skin tone
2. Medium deep skin tone

I have both, on days where I self tanned or when I feel like I need a colour on my body I would use the medium deep, usually I'll go with the light one. I feel like I don't see that much of a difference when I use the deep one but I feel like it give more of a sunkissed look.

اهو ايي بلونين واحد فاتح وواحد شوي اغمج منه او بالاصح مو اغمج بس واحد على وردي والثاني شوي برونز وبالمرات الي احس احتاج تان احط البرونز يعطي لمعة برونزية حلوة بس اغلب المرات استعمل الفاتح 

The formula itself absorbs quickly, not greasy or oily and not sticky either. Anndd best of all it doesn't transfer to clothes and dries immediately after applying. I also like the smell of it but I don't know how to explain the scent to you guys but it's definitely a pleasent one. 

الحلو فيه ان بسرعة تتشربه البشره وكلش مو دهني ولا يتلصق واحلى شي فيه ان مايطبع على الملابس نهائيا وبسرعه ينشف وتتشربه البشره ف تقدرين تلبسين على طول من غير لاتنطرين عليه شوي يعني مو نفس سالي هانس الهم اساسا انا ما اشوف فيه ذاك اللون الي ممكن يلون الملابس وهم ريحته حلوه ماني عارفه اشرحها عدل بس عجبتني لا وايد قويه ولا وايد خفيفة

I use it all over my body and let me just tell you guys, this stuff is amazing! Who ever created it is a genuis. It makes my body so smooth and silky! 

It gives the pretiest glow to my skin, yes it does what it says. It illuminates, hydrates, perfects the skin all over my body. It blurs out any imprefections I might have whether it was on my legs or arm. And it helps with the discolouration as well. I didn't notice any firming just because I don't need any and my skin is pretty firm so I can't judge the firming side of it.

بنات هل كريم عجيب والله يعطي البشره نضاره وقلوو واايد حلو مافيه قلتر اهم شي ف اللمعة الي يعطيها البشرة تينن وهم ك مرطب ترطيبه حلو وعجبني ويخلي الجسم حيل ناعم (طبعا اذا بتحطينه وانتي بحياتج ماصنفرتي اكيد ماراح يعطيج نفس النتيجة)  وهم لاحظت ان يخفي العيوب بس مايغطيهم يعني إن شاء الله فهمتوا قصدي هههه و هم يخفي التصبغات شوي بس كلش ماشفت ان شد شي من جسمي اساسا لان جسمي مشدود ف ماكو شي ينشد هههههههه ف ماقدر احكم عليه بهالنقطة

ككل اعطي 9 من 10 لان شفت ان الكفر ماله مو وايد قوي يعني ماغطه العيوب نفس سالي هانسن

So overall, I'd give it a 9/10 just because it doesn't cover imperfections, only blurs them out. 

I got it from Priceline so people living in Australia can get it from here: 

Jergens Body Perfecting BB Cream

L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes So Couture review

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Hi guys.. 
I'll be reviewing the L'Oreal so couture mascara today. 

هاي بنات .. 
ِاليوم بقولكم رايي بماسكرة لوريا ل 
What they say:

Volume million lashes dresses your lashes in a liquid black silk for lash by definition

  • Refined volume
  • No clumps

What I say: 

First of all, I love love plastic bristle wands and I prefer them over all the other wands. This mascara's wand is absolutely amazing, it combs through every single lash I have leaving them looking super voluminous and pretty. 

اولا انا اعشق المسكرات الي فرشتهم بلاستيك وافضلهم على الفرش الثانية. فرشة هل ماسكرا بالذاب عجييبة ماجربت ماسكرا فرشتها نفس هل فرشةالسبايكس الي فيها عددهم 408 يعني بالضبط بالضبط تحوش كل رمشه بعينج عطتني كثافة برموشي مو طبيعية وايد حبيتها انا رموشي كثاف وبينتهم اكثف ف اكيد الي رموشها خفاف راح تعجبها لان تبين الوحده جنها حاطه رموش واهي مو حاطه 

The wand is thick on one end and thin on the other, this is great as you can comb through each lash even the tiny lashes near the tear duct. 

الفرشة عريضة من صوب و ضعيفه من الصوب الثاني بجذي تقدرين تحوشين حتى الرموش الصغار الي عند مدمع العين 

It holds a curl beautifully, it gives amazing volume, oh and did I tell you that it gives amazing length as well? Well now you know! 

غير انها تعطي كثافة عجيبة هم تقوس الرموش بشكل فظيع وهم تطولهم يعني كثافة وطول و رموش مقوسه!! 

The formula itself is not wet or dry, its somewhere in between, which I like. It doesn't smudge, smear or flake. It pretty long lasting as I usually wear it in the morning and take it off in the evening, oh and btw I have pretty sensitive and watery eyes so this says something!

الفورميلا مالتها مو ناشفه ولا رطبه بين الاثنين وعجبني فيها هل شي وكلش ماتدمر ولا توسخ ولا تتكتل, وهم تدوم لمدة طويله يعني العاده احطها الصبح وارجع من الدوام بليل تكون نفس ما اهي هذا وانا عيني حساسة وتدمع بسرعة وايد حبيت هل ماسكرا واتمنى تعجبكم مثل ماعجبتني 

اعطيها 10\10  

I would honestly give it 10/10 couldn't fault it really.

Skincare Routine (Oily) | روتين عنايتي ببشرتي (للبشرة الدهنية)

Saturday 13 June 2015

Hi guys...

Even though I'm pretty busy right now with exams and all but I feel like I was neglecting my blog so I decided to show you guys my skincare routine. This is a new routine that I've been testing out for the past month or so and I can honestly say that this has been the best skincare routine I've ever tried. 

هااي بنات 
صج اني وايد مشغوله مع الامتحانات والجامعة وجذي بس حسيت اني اهملت المدونه بالفترة الاخيرة ف قررت اكتب هل موضوع. هذا روتيني اليديد صارلي شهر او اكثر شوي عليه و صج صج غير حياتي هذا احسن روتين جربته بحياتي.

Last month I had a facial with Natalie from Kindred toxin free facials, can I just say that she changed my life! 

الشهر الي طاف رحت سويت فيشيال والي سوتلي غيرت حياتي.. للاحسن طبعا! 

So for the first time ever I was getting whiteheads all over my face like my face broke out really bad and I was in shock I didn't know what to do I tried different cleansers and moisturisers but nothing seemed to work and also I couldn't tolerate my oily skin anymore like whatever I did whether it was moisturisers for oily skin or primers under makeup etc. etc. I always end up shiny as hell it bothered me so much so I decided to get a facial and that was the best decision I've ever made honestly. 

الفتره الي طافت ولاول مره بحياتي قامت تطلعلي حبوب بويهي بشكل خيالي كنت مصدومة ومادري شنو اسوي جربت اكثر من منتج سواء كان مرطب ولا غسول مانفع معاي شي و هم خلاص ماقدرت اتحمل ويهي الدهني اكثر من جذي كل شي جربت تحت المكياج مليون نوع مرطب و مليون برايمر ماكو فايده ويهي يدهن بشكل مو طبيعي خصوصا لما احط مكياج ف قلت لازم احل هل مشكلة وقررت اروح اسوي فيشيال وهذا كان احسن قرار خذيته.

So I went and got my facial and she basically told me that my skin was inflamed ( Of course I didn't know that) and so she calmed my skin with all sort of oils and stuff. She also told me that instead of using exfoliaters or scrubs I should use a flannel... and let me tell you guys once I switched to flannels I've seen amazing changes.

يوم رحتلها اول شي قالته لي ان بشرتي هاجت ف حاولت كثر ماتقدر تهدي البشره استعملت اكثر من زيت وكله اشياء طبيعية لان انا ما ارضى احط اي ماده على ويهي وماحب المواد الكيميائية ف كل شي تستخدمه طبيعي علي.. انا اؤمن ان المنتجات الطبيعية وايد احسن للبشره من اي منتج ثاني, المهم قامت تقولي شنو احتاج اغير في روتيني و قالتلي بدال الصنفرات او السكربات استعمل الفوط الصغار ومن بديت استخدم الفوط شفت نتايج عجيبة.

Before going to Natalie I used to cleanse my face using a cucumber cleanser from boots and then exfoliate with biore pore unclogging scrub after that I'd use mario badescu facial spray with aloe, herbs and rosewater and finally I'd alternate between skinstitut moisture defence for oily skin or mixing aloe vera gel with jojoba oil (I read it keeps oiliness at bay). That was basically my skincare routine before the facial. 

قبل لا اروح حق الفيشيال كان روتيني كالتالي, كنت اغسل ويهي بغسول من بوتس بالخيار وايد كان زين وماقالتلي شي عنه وبعدها كنت اصنفر ويهي بصنفرة بواريه اسمها مكتوب بالانجليزي فوق وبعدها كنت استعمل سبري ماي الورد من ماريو بداسكو واخر شي كنت اغير بين هل مرطبين اما مرطب من سكنستيتيوت مكتوب اسمه فوق او كنت اخلط جل الالوفيرا مع زيت الهوهوبا لان  قريت ان يقلل من الدهن الي بالويه وبس عقب روحتي للفيشيال غيرت الروتين على حسب اهي شنو نصحتني فيه.  

Lets talk about my skincare routine after the facial which is my current skincare routine. 

I took Natalie's recommendation and used the jojoba oil as my cleanser. This made my skin so so soft and I love that it doesn't dry out my skin. And I use a flannel soaked in hot water (Yes hot because by the time you put on your face it'll be warm) and it feels oh so good to have that warm flannel on your face! This made me want to wash my face more haha. I'd use the flannel to exfoliate my skin as well, as its gentle and not as harsh as scrubs. I wasn't sure at first when I switched exfoliaters to flannels as I usually get flakiness if I don't scrub, but let me just tell you guys the flannel works just as good and it doesn't irritate my skin whatsoever.

 اول شي قالتلي ان اقدر استخدم زيت الهوهوبا او الجوجوبا  ك غسول ف خذيت بنصيحتها وبلشت استعمله ك غسول (للعلم زيت الهوهوبا وايد زين حق البشرة الدهنية اذا تبوني اكلمكم اكثر عنه قولولي)  ... بنات خله ويهي ناعم بشكل مو طبيعي وضروري تستخدمون الفوطه عشان تغسلونه طبعا تحطون الفوطه تحت ماي حار اي حار مو دافي لان على ماتحطونها على ويهكم راح تلاقون ان صارت دافيه ولازم تكون دافيه عشان تبطل المسام وتنظف عدل واصلا الشعوور عجييب لما تيين تحطينها على ويهج واهي دافية صار ودي امشي واغسل ويهي ههههه, المهم ان استخدم الفوطه عشان اصنفر ويهي بعد ف بس افرك شوي شوي لاتفركون حيل عشان بشرتكم لاتتحسس 

If I had makeup on I usually start by using micellar water, I'm currently loving the Simple micellar water. I ran out of my bioderma one and I think this one is just as good and its cheaper! 
So I'd put a little on a cotton pad and put on my eyes for about 30 seconds and voilà my eye makeup is gone. After that I'd use jojoba oil to remove the makeup on the rest of my face. It removes the makeup super quick! 

طبعا اذا كنت حاطه مكياج استعمل مزيل المكياج من ماركة سمبل وايد حبيت هل منتج مفعوله نفس مفعول  بايوديرما ما اشوف انهم  يختلفون وارخص منه بعد. اخذ قطنتين واحط عليهم شوي من المزيل واحط القطنة على عيني لمدة 30 ثانية تقربيا وبعدها امسح وجذي يكون كل مكياج العيون راح  

The only reason why I don't use jojoba oil to remove my eye makeup is because I get sties often in fact I have two sties right now so I think putting oil on my eyelids is not a good idea lol. Anyways, I'd use the flannel after that so that it removes every bit of makeup and oil left on my skin. 

وترا زيت الهوهوبا وايد زين بمسح المكياج بس السبب الوحيد الي ما يخليني استخدمه على عيني لان عيني وايد يطلع فيها جياس 
دهن يعني حاليا طالعلي جيس دهن بمكانين بعيني ف اخاف يزيدهم 

I then spritz some of the mario badescu spray on my face. This spray is an absolute favourite especially during summer its so refreshing.

وعقب ما اخلص ارش شوي من السبري مال ماريو بداسكو حدي احبه خصوصا بالصيف تحسين بانتعاش وبعدها مرطب من انتيبودز اسمه light facial day cream.

And my final two steps is to moisturise my face, I use the Antipodes light facial day cream. And I won't forget my undereyes so I use Kiehl's creamy eye treatment with avocado. This stuff is seriously amazing it moisturises like no other and makes my concealer blend so seamlessly! 

وطبعا ما انسى تحت العين ضروري تحطون كريم لمنطقة العين بنات خصوصا وانتوا بعدكم صغار هل شي ياخر التجاعيد لما تكبرون المهم استعمل كريم الافوكادو من كيلز وايد احبه يرطب بشكل خيالي ويخلي الكونسيلر يندمج بشكل عجيب  

And thats it, thats everything I use on a daily basis for my skin. Ever since I went for the facial and started this routine I haven't had any whiteheads or any other pimple for that matter. I noticed that I'm less oily but I can still see some oils seeping through when I have makeup on. Also, eating more healthy food and drinking a lot of water helped my skin so much. 

I hope this post helps some of my oily girls out there and let me know if you'd like more posts like these I'd be happy to do more of these. 

وبس هذا روتيني وحبيت اقولكم بنات ان من بعد الفيشيال ومن بلشت هل روتين كل الحبوب الي بويهي راحت وماطلعلتي ولا حبه بعدها الحمدلله ولاحظت ان الدهن خف وماقام يدهن ويهي وايد لما احط مكياج وايد مستانسة وعندي موعد هل شهر حق فيشيال ثاني عشان الدهون وراح اقولكم النتايج 

وهم من الاشياءالي ساعدت بشرتي ترد نفس قبل واحسن الاكل الصحي و الماي بالفترة الاخيره اهملت اكلي وايد والحين يوم رديت اكل اكل صحي وايد شفت فرق ببشرتي 

اتمنى انكم استفدتوا من هل بوست واذا تبون بوستات اكثر من هل نوعية قولولي .. 

Frends Layla Headphones Review!

Monday 20 April 2015

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Hey guys.. 

Here is my review on Layla headphones from Frends: 

رايي بسماعات ليلى من فرندز:

So I purchased these mostly because they're so freakin fashionable!! I mean look at them, the rose gold metal and the white leather ahh wow just wow! 

طبعا الي خلاني اخذهم شكلهم حييل عجبني وايد كشخة وحلو، بمااني اعشق الروز قولد ماقدرت اقاومهم وخصوصا مع الجلد الابيض عجييب حده! 

It comes with a white case that you can put your headphones in, they are collapsible which means they fold in so they fit the case which is pretty convenient they don't take so much space in your bag and I feel like the case protects them. I have it for over 3 months now and it is good as new. Also, it has a fabric cord which makes it tangle-free! 

السماعة تيي مع جنطة صغيرة تقدرون تحطون السماعة فيها، السماعة تنجفس ليه داخل ويصير حجمها صغير يكفي الجنطة هل شي وايد عجبني اول شي ماتاخذ وايد مكان بالجنطة وثاني شي تحمي السماعات يعني صارلي اكثر من ٣ شهور استعملهم ليلحين جنهم يدد. الحلو فيهم بعد ان الواير مالهم من الخام فكلش مايتربط! 

Layla headphones are designed as an on-ear headphones, they are the softest just like a cushion which makes them very comfortable to wear. I had it on for a 15 hour flight after 7 hours they started to hurt me a little so yeah they do hurt but only if you have them on for a very long time. What I loved the most about them is that the "Speaker part" of them is small and not bulky because I'm really tiny and I look ridiculous with big bulky headphones. Oh and also you can change the caps they have different caps with beautiful colours so you can match them up with the outfit you are wearing or your accessories.  

السماعة مصممه كon-ear headphones بس لقيتها وايد مريحة السبيكر نفسه حيل ناعم ومريح باللبس بس مع هذا اذا استخدمتوها وايد (في حالتي ٧ ساعات) تبتدي تعور شوي واكثر اكثر شي عجبني فيهم ان السبيكر حجمة صغير انا وايد الاقي صعوبة لما بشتري سماعات لان حجمي صغير واغلب السماعات كبار علي فيصير شكلي مو حلو. 

تقدرون تغيرون الوانها في كذا لون تقدرون تشترون الcaps وتغيرونهم 

I love the quality of the sound for a very fashionable headphones I thought that they won't have that good of a sound quality but I was wrong. The sound quality is as good as they look but you have to keep in mind that they are not soundproof so sound may escape as it is an on-ear headphone.

عادةً السماعة لما يكون شكلها حلو وفاشنبل تكون جودة الصوت مو شي بس هل سماعة جودتها عجيبة بس الشي الي ماعجبني فيها ان مو soundproof يعني ينسمع اي شي قاعدين نسمعه.




  • You can change the caps for different outfits 
  • Petite and not bulky
  • Good sound quality 
  • tangle-free cord
  • Pricey 
  • Not soundproof 
I got them from Samma3a for 599 AED which is about AU$ 209

اخذتهم من samma3a ب٥٩٩ درهم

Maybelline Fit Me Concealer Review!

Monday 9 March 2015

I'm here with another review for you guys ... 

Maybelline Fit Me concealer

What they say:


Why You'll Love It

It's makeup that doesn’t mess with you.
• No oils, no waxes, no nonsense
• Natural coverage that leaves skin the way it was meant to be…fresh, breathing, natural
• Exclusive translucent base and lightweight pigments allow skin's natural highs and lows to show through
• Non-comedogenic, dermatologist-tested, ophthalmologist-tested, fragrance-free

For Best Results

Dot concealer onto imperfections or under eyes. Pat with finger to blend.
Also, it comes in 6 different shades. 
What I thought: 
This concealer has been my go to concealer for the past couple of months, its super easy to apply and it applies flawlessly really. I have the shade fair which is lighter than my skin colour so I use it to brighten up under my eyes. It blends so easily and looks super natural on the skin it doesn't look cakey whatsoever and it give the most beautiful finish. I tried blending it using a brush and using my fingers, it works well with both but I've been blending it with my fingers more than using the brush lately as its quick and easy. 

The coverage is good, I don't have dark under eyes but I have those veins under my eyes that annoys me so this concealer cover them so well. Also, it lasts all day, like I usually apply it in the morning and come back at night before I take my makeup off and you can still see it there like I don't notice any fading.

Overall, I'd give this concealer 10/10 I seriously cannot fault it. I'm in love with it! 

MAC Zoom Lash Mascara Review

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Hey guys! 

I'll be writing a lot more individual reviews on my blog, I find it much better than reviewing more than one product all in one blog post.

Today, I'll be reviewing Mac zoom lash mascara. I just got this two days ago, the sales lady talked me into it of course because I never see a good review on mac mascaras and especially this one. 

What they say: 

Major drama. Lasts all day. Creamy, velvety formula builds density and conditions. Feels light, 

supple. Ultra-sculpted brush has three-sided fibres to embrace and separate each lash, hugging 

every curve. Coats in one stroke from root to tip. No smudging.

I took it after she tried it on my lashes I have long, thick and curled lashes to begin with but this mascara just made a dramatic difference. It made my lashes super suuper long and fully curled, and it holds up the curl for so long I love it really. 

I usually don't get a mascara with this type of wand, I like plastic wands with short thin spikes because they separate each lash like no other but surprisingly I loved this one just because I really saw the difference it made to my lashes and I got compliments from every single person who saw me that day.  

So to sum it up for you guys, I'm going to write the pros and cons of this mascara.


  1. Lengthens like no other
  2. Curl the lashes beautifully and the curls last all day
  3. I have very oily eyelids and teary eyes but I didn't experience any smudging or smearing
  4. The wand gets into every single lash 

  1. I find it hard to remove, I cleansed my eyes twice and used makeup remover wipes to get it fully removed

I'd give it a 4 out of 5 just because I find it hard to remove and I dislike cleansing my eyes more than once I feel like it damages my eyes.

2014 Beauty favourites!!!

Monday 2 March 2015

Hello there!!
I know I'm pretty late but here are my 2014 beauty favourites!!

  • Face Products 
  1. Benefit Porefessional

This is one of the few primers that actually does what it says, it fills in my pores, blur them and makes my skin look absolutely flawless but I did notice with this primer that it doesn't control my oily face that much, I notice that my skin gets oily in like two hours or so.

Also, I like wearing this primer alone for no make up day or days where I'm lazy and can't be bothered to put on foundation and all. I'll just wear this with little bit of blush and a gloss and I'm ready to go! 

2. Hourglass veil primer 

I love love love this primer! Although its pricey but its worth it. It blurs out your skin which leaves it super flawless and this really reduce my oiliness like no other! I don't get oily for over 8 hours.. This is amazing thank you hourglass for this amazing product.  

3. Makeup Forever HD foundation

Love the dewy finish it gives, love the coverage and the longevity. Its so light on the skin and its so skin like, it doesn't look like I have foundation on. I really love everything about it, I'd give it 10/10 and will repurchase for sure. 

4. Clarins Instant Light Brush-On Perfector

I don't suffer from undereye bags or dark circles but I like a good highlighted undereye and this does the job for me! 

The colour is perfect, it doesn't crease on me, it blends really well and it looks pretty natura I love it. I applied it once after this photo was taken and I ran out! I really need to repurchase ASAP. Worth every penny. 

5. Nars radient creamy concealer 

I use this to cover any blemishes and sometimes under my eyes but because I got this in the same shade as my skin I don't use it for my undereye area that much. I've ordered one 2 shades lighter than my skin waiting for it to arrive! 
Its light weight and covers so well and most importantly doesn't crease at all. 


  • Blush and Highlighters

1. The balm Mary-Lou Manizer

THE BEST HIGHLIGHTER OUT THERE! It's a beautiful champagney colour, every time I have it on people ask me about it. I think it shouldn't be used for everyday make up or mininal make up, I wear it for special events only. 

2. Chi Chi wall of shimmer

I have been using this highlighter through out the year of 2014, this has been my go to highlighter. The colour is so beautiful and it looks so natural on the skin. 

3. Diorskin rosy glow blush

My favourite blush of all time! This is my second one I discovered this way back and I loved it ever sense. The colour is just so beautiful, It may look bright in the photo but its the perfect pink colour and looks so natural on the skin! 


  • Eye Products

1. The Balm Schwing eyeliner 

This has the best pigmentation ever and I love that the colour is super super black! It doesn't smudge at all and stay put all day long. Pretty easy to use and great for beginners as well.

2. L'oreal Voluminous Butterfly mascara in midnight blacks

My HG drugstore mascara, this mascara gives my lashes length and volume like no other and it doesn't clump or smudge at all. I really like its wand, it has such a unique shape. Overall I love this mascara and recommend it. 

3. Pupa multiplay eye pencil 

I'm always looking for the perfect white eye pencil and after a couple of misses I have found the one! 
You can also use it as an eye shadow. This has the most perfect white colour and its super pigmented, never smudged on me and lasts for a pretty long time. This is my second pencil and I'll keep repurchasing over and over! Its that good!! 

4.  The balm nude'tude palette

I got this because somehow I lost my lorac pro palette, I couldn't find it anywhere! And I wanted to try this for a very long time. I love this palette, it has the perfect amount of shimmers and mattes. The colours are super pigmented and very easy to blend. The only problem I have with this is that after and 3 hours I can see the eye shadow fading and sometimes all the eye shadow disappear ( I have oily eyelids) but I didn't have that problem with the lorac palette. If you don't have oily eyelids then I recommend this, it is such a beautiful palette!  


  • Lip Products

1. Bourjois Sweet Kiss lipstick 

It's obvious how much I love this lipstick. Thank god I have back ups, this has the most gorgeous colour ever. I tried finding out what colour is it but couldn't find anything on the packaging. Anyways its a beautiful peachy pink, it applies smooth and creamy and very often I get compliments on my lips when I have this on. It's also moisturizing and it doesn't dry out my lips. 

2. CK pure colour lipstick in Liplock

This lipstick is so creamy and moisturizing, the colour itself is absolutely gorgeous. It's a dark red/purplish colour, such a great colour for special events. I get complimented so much everytime I wear it.

3. Mac lipstick in Herione 

I looooveeee this colour so freakin' much, I'm all about those crazy colours, I've been wearing this a lot this year. One thing I don't like about the formula, its very drying on  my lips. Everytime I have it on, my lips gets so dryyy.

4. Mac lustre in Giddy

This has a very beautiful pinky coral shade with a golden undertone to it. Because its from the lustre shade its quite sheer but builds up nicely. I usually wear it to the gym as its quite sheer and I think its perfect for the gym.

5. NYX soft matte lip cream in Milan

10/10 !! I have almost every colour of those lip creams, they're absolutely amazing. It's so pigmented but stays on the lips very nicely, it looks like I don't have any lipstick on looks as if my natural lip colour is this pink. Its super long lasting, I could have it all day, eat and drink and it stays put. Love love love this, Great job NYX.
